Indoor environment of a passive low energy residential building in winter in severe cold zone

Wang Zhaojun, Ji Yuchen, Xue Qingwen and Yu Zhiyi


Tests the indoor thermal environment, indoor air quality and noise of a passive low energy residential building. The results show that the mean indoor air temperature is 25.5 , and the mean relative humidity is 31.3%, which meet the German passive house standard, but the room temperature is higher than the upper limit of the relevant thermal comfort standards, so suggests decreasing the supply water temperature of a radiant heating system to achieve an appropriate indoor temperature. The mean temperatures of the exterior wall and window are 23.4 and 21.6 , respectively, which increase the indoor operative temperature and reduce the cold radiation effect on human. The average outdoor air rate per household is 96.9 m3/h, which meets the German passive house standard. Mean CO2 concentration is 732×10-6, lower than the requirement limit of 1 000×10-6 in Chinese national standard. Mean mass concentration of PM10 is 0.112 mg/m3, lower than the limit of Chinese national standard, but higher than that of German passive house standard. PM2.5 concentration is slightly higher than the Chinese standard value, however it is 2.68 times higher than that of German standard. Recommends to replace the filter periodically and add a sub-HEPA filter. Mean A-sound level noise is 31.8 dB, meeting the requirement of Chinese standard and higher than that of German passive house standard.